- Yes you can. Simply complete each booking and you will receive separate confirmation number for each booking.
- When you make an online booking we will send you a booking confirmation by mail. This includes your booking number, details of your pickup and return location, as well as the price and other useful information. We advise that you print it out and take it with you when picking up your car to speed up the process.
If the booking is cancelled before 3 hours of the boarding, there won't be any refund. However if the booking is cancelled 24 hours before, client will be eligible for 50% refund and if the booking is cancelled 2 days prior, the client will get 100% refund.
- You can modify your booking prior to the pickup date. You can alter your dates, times, vehicle type and additional extras prior to collecting your car. If possible please ensure that your changes are at least 12 hours prior to the vehicle collection. Please note that if you have already collected your vehicle and want to make a change, just make a call to any of the numbers given in the agreement.
- Yes, and if you found a new apparent defect, you have to inform the Luxury Cars on Rent employee for the joint examination.
- All vehicles are subject to availability. This means that we can't guarantee the make or model of the vehicle, as we often have varying models within the same category. Just make sure you ask our friendly staff at the time of collection and we'll see what we can do for you.
- No, unfortunately not. The color of your vehicle is subject to availability. We'll certainly do our best to meet your requirements however we cannot guarantee it.
- Extending the rental duration is possible at time of check out or during the rental itself. You will come to contact or come in person to the nearest location. The extension is subject to vehicle availability and extra payment.
- If you wish to return the car to a different location, please check the rate and feasibility during the reservation process. However in non-participating locations you will need to pay a higher price.
- If you are involved in an accident, you should do the following :
- We provide 24 hour Roadside Assistance in case of emergency, breakdown or accident involving your rental vehicle. Just call "X".
- Your vehicle comes with a standard damage recovery fee (premium location surcharge and administration fee may also apply).
- Any additional charges such as Driver Surcharge, Premium Location Surcharge, Vehicle Registration Recovery Fee, Administration Fee and optional extras are included in your quote at the time of booking. Other extras such as refueling may be applicable at the completion of the rental.
- Yes, you may return the vehicle when the Luxury Cars on Rent location is closed to an alternative location. The vehicle will remain your responsibility until it has been checked by our representative.
- If a vehicle is returned up to 3 hours late a third of the rental will be charged. If it is returned greater than 3 hours late a full day rental will be charged.
Luxury Cars on Rent is an online car rental service with over 1000s of satisfied customers. We offer full time services which will meet all your needs. We are always there on phone to provide you help anytime when you are in a cab. We will offer you prompt; safe and reliable service and we do have better cars and well experienced drivers.
Absolutely not, you can either directly call on the given numbers on the website www.luxurycarsonrent.in or else you can fill the form which is available on the homepage of the website.
Once we receive your call and get all your requirements, we confirm your booking and within 24 hours you will receive a SMS or a phone call for the confirmation. Also the client need to give 50% of the payment for confirming the booking. And when the journey is completed invoice will be generated and will be sent to you by email or courier.
No, but Luxury Cars on Rent provides you well experienced driver. Cars will be available for all types of journey like local city tour, wedding, corporate tours, etc